Employee Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy
  • All employees are required to show up to work on their scheduled days and be clocked in before their shift begins.
  • If an employee is late for his or her first time they will receive a verbal warning and nothing will be put into their employee records.
  • If an employee is late for the 2nd time they will receive a written warning and it will be placed in their employee records.
  • All employees must follow protocol when they are not able to make it to work, this means that you must call and contact the manager   before they are to begin their shift so that the appropriate arrangements can be made for their replacement.

  • All full time employees can receive vacation time and pay.
  • A full time employee is given one week of vacation time with pay per year.
  • If that full time employee doesn't use all of his or her days they may be carried over to the next fiscal year so that they may be used.

Sick Days
  • Sick days will be given to any full time employee, pending notification from a physician.
  • If an employee has children and they are sick, they must provide a doctors notice of their child's illness.
  • Sick days can be carried over to the next fiscal year if unused.

  • Any employee who is resigning from his or her position must give a 2 weeks notice to the manager.
  • In that 2 weeks prior to their departure from TPC Harry Moose all rules still apply to them, and must follow the same protocol as everyone else.

Maternity Leave
  • All pregnant employees are entitled to 52 weeks maternity leave, if they are full time employees.
  • Those wishing to  use maternity leave must provide a medical explanation of when their expected delivery date is to be.
  • Maternity pay will be given to those full time employees.