
  • The TPC Harry Moose will have prevention techniques that every employee will follow, along with different levels of access at the facility.

Pro shop: 

  • Fire extinguishers- will be set up in cases throughout the building were access is able when needed.
  • Fire exits- will be clearly marked for quick exit of the facility
  • Employee Doors- there are certain areas where employees will only be allowed, so all employees will be given an access card to enter secured areas.
  • Restaurant- any sharp knives or equipment that could be harmful will be placed in areas that can be secured by drawers when not being used. Cleaning supplies will be placed in a locked storage area and will be access by employees when needed.
  • Chemicals- A storage area will be dedicated to any harmful chemicals and will only be used for that purpose. The area will be locked at all times for safety.
  • Smoke detectors and Carbon monoxide detectors- will be checked regularly that batteries are good and the product is in working condition.

  • Equipment- mowers, tractors, weed eaters, chainsaws, and all other equipment used to maintain the golf course will be in a secured building, which can only be accessed by the superintendent, GM, or any other authorized employees.
  • Chemicals- the golf course uses many different chemicals necessary to maintain a pristine golf course. They will all be placed in an area that will be locked from multiple places.